Meet Bill & Cindy
William (Bill) Hoppe began his Awana journey as a young kid and recalls being saved at the age of 8 or 9 at Awana Pals Club. He attended club for six years where he memorized scripture verses and made good friends.
When Bill was a freshman in Highschool he became a student leader, which led to him serving as an Awana leader for over 40 years. Bill knew at a young age that he wanted to serve Christ for the rest of his life. He felt his calling was to be a layman and serve mostly in his local church. Awana was one of the many ways he could do that. God added to Bill’s calling by leading him to become an Awana Missionary. He officially started serving in that capacity on March 1, 2012.
As a part-time Awana Missionary, Bill currently serves 99 churches registered with Awana in his territory. Bill and his wife Cindy feel God has confirmed where they serve is their place. He has a passion to see kids and parents clearly hear the Gospel and experience the love of Christ in their lives. Bill also enjoys training, encouraging leaders, and reaching out to pastors and leaders of non-Awana churches to have child discipleship conversations.
Bill and Cindy got married in 1977 on November 12th. They have seven children and twelve grandchildren, (including 3 foster grands). They are grateful to add that their 6 sons and daughter have earned their Awana Citation award.

Favorite Bible Verse
“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”